Three Scientifically Proven Oral Health Benefits of Green Tea
Posted on: 30 March 2016
Green tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and it's becoming increasing popular due to numerous health benefits. Many of these are anecdotal rather than scientific, but a number of studies have scientifically demonstrated that drinking green tea can be enormously beneficial for your oral health.
1. Reduced Risk of Oral Cancer
Working for the Centre for Evidence Based Chinese Medicine, researchers Liu, Xing, and Fei collected the results of forty-three studies, four randomized trials, and one meta-analysis in order to determine whether green tea has any effect on the prevention of cancer, proving an overall correlation between green tea consumption and a reduced risk of developing the disease.
Most importantly, eight of the studies they examined had researched the relationship between green tea and oral or oesophageal cancer. Significant results were shown to demonstrate that green tea was excellent at fighting both types of cancer.
2. Strong Periodontal Health
Periodontology concerns the health of the structures that support your teeth, particularly the gums. Periodontal disease, often referred to more simply as gum disease, is a serious condition that can lead to the loss of your teeth, but it's another condition that evidence suggests can be prevented by the consumption of green tea.
One study noted that green tea is able to promote stronger periodontal health and ward off disease by reducing inflammation and limiting the growth of certain bacteria linked to periodontal diseases. Researchers noted that drinking green tea on a daily basis 'may be a useful and practical method for the prevention of periodontal disease.'
These results have been replicated by other studies. Researchers in one further study examined periodontal pocket depth, attachment loss of gum tissue, and bleeding gums. These are all indicators of periodontal disease, and just a single cup of green tea consumed each day decreased the likelihood of each one occurring.
3. Bad Breath
Bad breath, in and of itself, is not as serious as oral cancer or periodontal disease, but it can be extremely embarrassing and suggests a high amount of bacteria in the mouth. Since tea polyphenols can have antimicrobial and deodorant effects, one team of researchers decided the compare its effect on bad breath to other items. They found that it was 'very effective in reducing oral malodor temporarily'.
Green tea shouldn't ever be thought of as a replacement for brushing, but it can safeguard your oral health. Adding one cup a day to your diet might just earn a smile from your family dentist.