Getting Used to Eating with Your New Braces

Posted on: 24 April 2018

Your new set of metal braces will take a bit of getting used to. This process could rather accurately (although lamely) be described as teething problems. Perhaps the most significant part of becoming comfortable with your braces is when you eat with them. Forearmed is forewarned, so it's time to arm yourself with the facts that you will need to make the process of getting used to your braces as smooth as possible.
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How to restore your worn tooth enamel

Posted on: 2 April 2018

Your teeth have to last a lifetime, and they are vital to your ability to eat, as well as things like self-confidence and making a good first impression. This is why dental care is so important, specifically when it comes to tooth enamel. What is enamel and why is it important? Believe it or not, tooth enamel is the strongest material in the human body. This is the hard, outer layer of the teeth that everyone can see.
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Crowning Glory: What Material Should You Choose For Your Next Dental Crown?

Posted on: 13 March 2018

Having a dental crown fitted to a badly damaged tooth can be a great way to save your smile and preserve as much natural tooth as possible, without going to the trouble, effort and expense of having the tooth extracted and replaced with an implant or fixed denture. However, no two crowns are ever the same, and they differ as much in the materials used to make them as the shapes they take.
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Why It Is Best to Complete Your Root Canal Before Going Diving

Posted on: 20 February 2018

In general, an endodontist will fully complete a root canal treatment in 1-3 appointments. Badly infected teeth may require at least two appointments. This is to ensure that the tooth is completely free of infection. In addition, some teeth, such as the upper molars, are more difficult to treat because they may have up to 5 canals, each of which may contain infected tissue. If your diving holiday happens to be scheduled between these stages, you may be considering going for your final appointment after your holiday.
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