How to Stop Tartar From Bothering Your Teeth
Posted on:
22 November 2022
Professional cleaning is a fairly standard part of a dental examination. This thorough, partially abrasive cleaning is intended to remove tartar from your teeth. Tartar is dental plaque that has hardened or calcified—and the plaque itself is a bacterial biofilm. But why does your dentist have to regularly scrape tartar away from your teeth, when, as far as you're concerned, you make a real effort to keep your teeth clean?
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Understanding How Eating Disorders Can Impact Dental Health
Posted on:
3 October 2022
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, can have a significant negative impact on oral health. Oftentimes, sufferers avoid going for their routine dental check-ups because they know their dentist will likely be able to spot the signs they have an eating disorder. If you're in this situation, be assured that your dentist is not there to judge you or lecture you. They will be accustomed to treating patients with a wide variety of health problems, and they can support you to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.
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4 Times to Use Bonding Rather Than Tooth Whitening Treatments
Posted on:
27 July 2022
Dental bonding can be a viable alternative to traditional tooth whitening treatments. During a bonding treatment, your dentist covers a tooth with a specialist resin. The colour of this resin changes the shade of its tooth.
When is bonding a good way to whiten your teeth?
1. You Don't Need Full Whitening
A regular whitening treatment typically whitens a set of teeth. This is a good option if you want to lift the shade of all your teeth; however, it might not work as well if you only need to whiten selected teeth.
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Are There Any Potential Side-Effects Associated with a Root Canal?
Posted on:
25 April 2022
If your dentist has told you that you need a root canal and this is your first time, you may be quite concerned. Other people may have told you that this can be quite an involved procedure, but it is typically successful, and you can trust your dental professional. Still, you may want to know about some of the potential side effects so that you can be fully prepared for your appointment.
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